The Forgotten Greatness of Windows Phone

Omar Zahran
8 min readMay 31, 2020
Light bulb illustration photo
Image Credit: Alessandro Bianchi via Unsplash

People that have known me for a long time remember how much I loved Windows Phone. For some time, I was fully invested in Microsoft’s ecosystem. I had a Nokia Lumia, an Xbox One, and a Surface Pro 3. I vividly remember looking forward to Microsoft launches and updates to the ecosystem. I worked in cell phone sales during the height of this fandom and was regarded within my company as the go-to Windows Phone guy. Of course, the years have passed and the operating system is now dead and I have moved on to Android.

But there are always times where I miss things about Windows Phone from an aesthetic of software design to the deep integration that still feels absent on Android and iOS. I was reminded of this, oddly enough, while watching a video on YouTube mentioning 12 smartphone failures and Windows Phone was mentioned. During the time that the presenter was talking about Windows Phone’s failure, there were screenshots of the interface that still feel modern and beautiful by today’s standards. The video got me to thinking about how Windows Phone was an operating filled with potential and great ideas that are largely forgotten today.

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Omar Zahran

Freelance sports writer fascinated by the stories that our favorite teams and athletes present to us